MITK ReleaseNotes 2015.05

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MITK ReleaseNotes 2015.03

This is the 2015.03 release of the MITK release cycle. The complete list of new features, bug fixes and known issues is down on this page.

What's included?

Binary installers for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are provided, which contain the MITK Workbench application. In addition to image loading/saving and level windowing, the following plugins are included:

  • Volume Visualization
  • Measurement
  • Interactive Segmentation
  • Logging View
  • Remeshing
  • Pointset Interaction
  • Image Cropper
  • View Navigator
  • Screenshot Maker
  • experimental Movie Maker
  • experimental Point-based, rigid and manual registration
  • experimental DICOM Query/Retrieve (based on components from the Common Toolkit CTK)

Please note that the installers do not contain the source code or header files for the precompiled libraries. To develop applications or plugins with MITK please get the source code.

How to get it?

Please have a look at the download page.

Highlights of 2015.03 release

Build system

Core modules

  • Further cleanup of the geometry classes:
    • GeometryTransformHolder is a new helper class which manages the transform related variables. Its job is to keep all information about the transform (as e.g.: spacing, offset, transformation matrices) in consistent states. It provides getters and setters to all transformation related information. To make sure, that the geometries are in a proper state, you should always use the set methods to change them.
    • BackTransform() function is removed. Please use WorldToIndex() instead.
    • The scaling factor in the PlaneGeometry class is removed. It can be calculated directly by GetExtent()/GetExtentInMM().
    • Pre- and Post-functions are removed and not necessary any more (except PreSetSpacing). New functions are CheckBounds() and CheckIndexToWorldTransform. Assertions can be implemented in these functions (e.g. see PlaneGeometry.cpp). If you implement these functions in a subclass, make sure, that all classes where your class inherits from have an implementation of this function (e.g. inheritance BaseGeometry <- A <- B. Implementation of CheckBounds in class B needs implementation in A as well!).


The following modules were newly added or factored out from existing modules:

  • AlgorithmsExt: Added the anisotropic iterative closest point registration algorithm (AICP) for surfaces


  • Fixed MITK-Python installers for all supported platforms with Qt4
  • Added documentation and build instructions for the MITK-Python module
  • Added build instructions for MITK-Python with Qt5
  • Experimental Qt5 support
  • Upgraded to Numpy 1.9.2


  • The 3D-interpolation has been extended to work on 4D-images as well.

MITK Workbench



  • To ease maintenance the DiffusionImage class has been removed, instead all functionality previously provided by the DiffusionImage can be achieved using the Image. For an example of how to change your code see the DiffusionImageMigrationGuide
  • The new reader/writer concept, introduced in the last release, has enabled us to recognize and load .nrrd and .nii/.nii.gz images as diffusion weighted images if diffusion information is present. You no longer need to rename them to .dwi or .fsl/fslgz. You can still read the old files however.

Third-Party Toolkits

The following toolkits were updated:

The following third-party toolkits were added to the MITK superbuild:

Deprecated Functionality

The documentation contains a detailed list of deprecated functionality. Please find a summary below:

Breaking Changes


In the 5 months since the last release more than NUMBER bugs were fixed.

Not everything could be fixed in time, so here are the most important known issues

New feature list

Complete list of new features since MITK 2015.03:

ID Comp Summary