Build requirements

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Please see our Build Instructions instead

Automatically build all requirements

Note that with the MITK superbuild, the only requirements on external packages are

  • CMake 3.2.1 or later
  • Qt 5.X (X < 5) (for application and widget support)

All other required software packages will be downloaded and build automatically, depending on your MITK configuration.

See the Build Instructions for more information.

For completeness, the sections below contain some hints how to build required external packages yourself.

Supported Platforms

Please see Supported Platforms

There have been some experiments compiling MITK with gcc 4.4.0 on Windows using MinGW (see MinGW Instructions for details). However, please note that MinGW is not one of the officially supported platforms.


Building MITK for MacOS contains a detailed description.

ITK Download

We recommend to use the latest stable ITK 4.x version.

  • Since May 2011*: MITK needs at least GDCM 2.0.14. If the ITK version you are using is not bundled with this version, you need to build it yourself (uses also CMake) and toggle ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM while configuring ITK.

ITK-Download page

VTK Download

Currently, VTK version 6.x required.

If you want to use Qt for application development, compile VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT (advanced CMake option), VTK_USE_QVTK and VTK_USE_QVTK_QTOPENGL turned ON.

VTK-Download page

CMake Download

MITK requires CMake 2.8.9 or later.

CMake-Download page

Windows installer packages can be built using the Nullsoft scriptable install system.


The core MITK library is GUI-toolkit independent.

The MITK Workbench is implemented using Qt, requiring at least Qt 4.7. Qt5 is supported at the build system level but Qt-dependent MITK applications have not been ported to Qt5 yet.

Qt can be downloaded here.

OpenCV (optional)

The Open Source Computer Vision library may be used for video playback/processing in MITK, but is completely optional! Currently, only OpenCV 2 is supported as it is built with CMake and therefore easily integrated in MITK. To use OpenCV in MITK, follow these steps:

  • Download OpenCV from their Website for your OS
  • You may compile OpenCV from source or use an installer. When building from source, there are no special options you have to set in CMake, just two things to remind:
    • On Windows: Turn off "ENABLE_OPENMP" when you have built MITK without OpenMP support. If you are unsure, turn it off
    • On Linux: As there were issues with AVI playback, make sure to use OpenCV with FFMPEG on Linux. Read here how to use FFMPEG with OpenCV
  • General installation instructions:
  • (Re-)configure your MITK build: Open CMAKE and turn on MITK_USE_OPENCV. Next, let OpenCV_DIR point to the directory containing the OpenCVConfig.cmake file (should be found automatically if OpenCV was installed regularly)
  • Have a look into the module "OpenCVVideoSupport"